How To Create/Setup Sub-Domain in GoDaddy

In previous article I explain how to create a sub-domain with Enom.Today I am going to explain to how create/setup a sub domain with GoDaddy.If you registered your domain with GoDaddy and want create sub-domains from your custom domain,then this article will guide you for it.So read the article carefully and follow the steps correctly.There is not hard thing to do.

For easy explanation if we think your domain is "" and you want to make a subdomain as "".

1.First login to your GoDaddy Account.

2.Now click on the "Advanced details" link of the domain you want to configure.

3.Now click on "Total DNS Control" from Total DNS section.

4.You can see a screen look like below:

Under "CNAMES (Aliases)" section, click on "Add New CNAME Record".

5.In next window Enter the below detail for your sub-domain.

Alias Name : blog (Instead of "blog",enter your sub-domain here)

Host Name :

6.Now click OK.

You are done.Now you can add your new sub domain to a another site/blogger blog.