Highlight Author Comment in Blogspot

This trick is to give a Highlight Author Comment . This will make the blog's owner comments looks different from the visitors comments. It's very usefull and interesting blogger hack tips. You can see the example in my blog. Here is what to do to make a "Highlight Author Comment" effect in Blogspot.

1. Login to blogger, then choose "Layout --> Edit HTML". Don't forget to backup your template first.
2. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box.
3. Copy this script and put it before ]]> or copy to your CSS area.

.comment-body-author {
background: #E6E6E6; /* Background color*/
color: #000; /* Text color*/
border-top: 1px dotted #223344;border-bottom: 1px dotted #223344;border-left: 1px dotted #223344;border-right: 1px dotted #223344;
padding:0 0 0 20px; /* Posotion*/

4. Then find this code:


5. The red color text is the code that you have to add to your script. The position must be right.
6. And then save your template.

* You have to login into your blogger account before to give comments.

Create Vertical Menu

We have learned how to create horizontal menu before. Now we will try to make a vertical menu. We will make a vertical menu like the image. Ok let's do it

1. Login to blogger then choose "Layout-->Edit HTML"
2. Put the script below before this code ]]> or put it in CSS code area.

.glossymenu, .glossymenu li ul{
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 185px; /*WIDTH OF MAIN MENU ITEMS*/
border: 1px solid black;
.glossymenu li{
position: relative;
.glossymenu li a{
background: white url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/blue1.gif') repeat-x bottom left;
font: bold 12px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: white;
display: block;
width: auto;
padding: 5px 0;
padding-left: 10px;
text-decoration: none;
.glossymenu li ul{
position: absolute;
width: 190px;
left: 0;
top: 0;
display: none;
.glossymenu li ul li{
float: left;
.glossymenu li ul a{
width: 180px;
.glossymenu li a:visited, .glossymenu li a:active{
color: white;
.glossymenu li a:hover{
background-image: url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/blue2.gif');

* html .glossymenu li { float: left; height: 1%; }
* html .glossymenu li a { height: 1%; }

You can change the menu color, look at the red text (blue1.gif and blue2.gif). Change it with some color menu below. For example, if you want to choose red color, then the code would be like this :

.glossymenu li a{
background: white url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/red.gif') repeat-x bottom left;


.glossymenu li a:hover{
background-image: url('http://blog.superinhost.com/vertical/red.gif');

Vertical Menu Color :











3. Save your template.
4. Then go to "Page Elements" menu
5. choose "Add a Gadget -->HTML/JavaScript" the insert the code below.

Note :
- The red code is the links.
- The Blue code is anchor text.
- If you want to add menu, just copy the blink code and paste it.

6. Then click "Save"

Create Tab View

Tab View is very usefull box. We can fill it with many contain. It will save our blogs area. (See Image Below)

Here is Tutorial how to create a tab view:

1. Login to blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Then find this code ]]>
3. Insert the below code before ]]> or in CSS tag.

div.TabView div.Tabs
height: 24px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Tabs a
float: left;
display: block;
width: 90px; /* Width top main menu */
text-align: center;
height: 24px; /* Height top main menu */
padding-top: 3px;
vertical-align: middle;
border: 1px solid #000; /* Top Main menu border color */
border-bottom-width: 0;
text-decoration: none;
font-family: "Times New Roman", Serif; /* Top main menu font */
font-weight: 900;
color: #000; /* Top main menu font color */
div.TabView div.Tabs a:hover, div.TabView div.Tabs a.Active
background-color: #FF9900; /* Top main menu background color */
div.TabView div.Pages
clear: both;
border: 1px solid #6E6E6E; /* Content Border color */
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #FF9900; /* Content background color */
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page
height: 100%;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
div.TabView div.Pages div.Page div.Pad
padding: 3px 5px;

4. You can change the code according to the red text explanation. To get html color code see HERE
5. The next step is put the code below before

Note :
- The number or the blue text(350px) Is size of the tabview.
- The green code is the main menu text
- The red code is the content of tabview. you can fill it with links, banner, widget, comment or anything.
- To add more menu, see on the blink code. Add the code under it.

Good luck every body.

Show Recent Comments

It's very usefull to Show Recent Comments on main blog page. We can know who have given comments on aur articles without open it one by one. At this time I will show you how to show recent comments on our main page blog. It's very easy

1. Login to blogger then go to "Layout"
2. Then copy this code :

- The 8 number is the sum of comments that will show up.
- Change trick-blog.blogspot.com with your blog's name.

3. You can show it in page elements. Just click on "add page elements --> HTML/Javascript" Then insert the script in it.

Or you can plug it in the "Tab View"

Setting Domain Blogspot With co.cc Domain

co.cc is a free domain. It's not only URL forwarding but we can setup DNS Records, A, MX, and CNAME records. We can change our blog's name to become "name.co.cc". It's more simple than we use domain "name.blogspot.com". To change our default blogspot name to co.cc domain name there are some steps to do. Here is the tutorial to setup domain co.cc

1. Open your browser to co.cc
2. Then regiter a domain that you want to use.
3. If it's no available you have to find another domain name. But if it's available then you can register it.
4. The you have to setup your domain. Got to "setup-->Manage domain"
5. Choose "Zone Records"
6. In the coloumn "Host" fill it with your domain name (www.yourdomainname.co.cc")
7. Choose "CNAME" for "Type"
8. In the "Value" box fill it with "ghs.google.com"
9. Then click "Setup" Button.

The next step is make some setup in blogspot.

1. Login to Bloggr/blogspot then choose "Setting-->Publishing"
2. Then choose "Switch to: • Custom Domain
3. Then click on "Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings"
4. Fill it with your new domain in the "Your Domain" coloumn.

5. To Finish click "Save Setting" Button.

It will take 1-48 hours for your new domain to work. So be patient....

Blogger Under Posting Comment box

Now, blogger(blogspot) have developed their comment box. Last time ago, if we want to post a comment there should be only a link under our posting, and we have to click the link send a comment, it's not interesting. But now we can find a comment box under our post exactly. It's original from blogger, it's not like haloscan or intensedebate. But it's truely from blogger/blogspot. You can see it under this post.
Here is the trick to create comment box under your post.

1. Login to http://draft.blogger.com
2. Go to Setting-->Comments. then change "Comment Form Placement" to be "Embedded below post" (look at the image below)

3. Then "Save Setting"
Try to see your blog and klik on your titile post. if there is a embadded commnet box below your post just stop this step here. But if there is no comments box, just follow the next steps here.

4. Go to "Layout-->Edit HTML"
5. Check the "Expand widget templates" box.
6. Find this code :

7. Then replace it with this code :

8. Save your Template.

I've deleted my last comment box (haloscan). so now I lost all of my comments before. I do it to get this comment box.

Show Related Article to Your Post

The advantage of showing related article to your post is it will help your readers find more information related to the topics. This is base on label or category. This is usually put to the end of the article. After your visitors finish read your article, they will find some links that related to the post base on label or category.
Here's the tutorial to create "related article to your spot":

1. Login to Blogger
2. Go to "Layout-->Edit HTML"
3. Click on "Expand Widgets Template" checkbox.
4. Then download THIS SCRIPT or HERE.
5. Open it then copy the scripts.
6. Paste the script after this code : . If you have "Read more widget" you will find two codes. Put it under the first code.
7. Save your template.

Good Luck...

Show Related Article to Your Post

The advantage of showing related article to your post is it will help your readers find more information related to the topics. This is base on label or category. This is usually put to the end of the article. After your visitors finish read your article, they will find some links that related to the post base on label or category.
Here's the tutorial to create "related article to your spot":

1. Login to Blogger
2. Go to "Layout-->Edit HTML"
3. Click on "Expand Widgets Template" checkbox.
4. Then download THIS SCRIPT.
5. Open it then copy the scripts.
6. Paste the script after this code : . If you have "Read more widget" you will find two codes. Put it under the first code.
7. Save your template.

Good Luck...

Free Web Hosting Without Ads

If we have a/some blogs, webhosting is important to support our blog running. web hosting is use for put our files such as images, sound, script, videos and many more. We can use use paid hosting or free hosting, but I suggested you to use 000webhost as your web hosting. 000webhost is a free web hosting service with full feature and no force ads. 000webhost is an amazing web hosting service. It's free web hosting that gives many features such as:
- 250 MB Disk Space
- 100 GB Data Transfer
- cPanel Control Panel
- Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
- Website Builder Software
- PHP Scripts Autoinstaller
- MySQL Databases
- Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
- and much more features are enabled

But to make your web hosting running well you must folow their rule.
Here is the most important rules:

1. No adult content or any kind.
2. No warez / hacking / phishing sites
3. No mass mailers / spammers (account will be automatically suspended if you will try to send mass mail), so if your software supports such feature, disable it right now.
4. We do not allow any public image or file hosting server scripts to be run.
5. Chat, proxy, or file download scripts are not allowed.
6. Paid-to-surf, auto-surm, buxto, and any other similar scripts are banned
7. We do not allow online gaming scripts such as ogame, mafia, etc..
8. Nulled software such as ip.board or vbulletin is not allowed to be hosted
9. Account cannot be used only to store files.

What are you waiting for, just SIGN UP HERE

Free Web Hosting Without Ads

If we have a/some blogs, webhosting is important to support our blog running. web hosting is use for put our files such as images, sound, script, videos and many more. We can use use paid hosting or free hosting, but I suggested you to use 000webhost as your web hosting. 000webhost is a free web hosting service with full feature and no force ads. 000webhost is an amazing web hosting service. It's free web hosting that gives many features such as:
- 250 MB Disk Space
- 100 GB Data Transfer
- cPanel Control Panel
- Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
- Website Builder Software
- PHP Scripts Autoinstaller
- MySQL Databases
- Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
- and much more features are enabled

But to make your web hosting running well you must folow their rule.
Here is the most important rules:

1. No adult content or any kind.
2. No warez / hacking / phishing sites
3. No mass mailers / spammers (account will be automatically suspended if you will try to send mass mail), so if your software supports such feature, disable it right now.
4. We do not allow any public image or file hosting server scripts to be run.
5. Chat, proxy, or file download scripts are not allowed.
6. Paid-to-surf, auto-surm, buxto, and any other similar scripts are banned
7. We do not allow online gaming scripts such as ogame, mafia, etc..
8. Nulled software such as ip.board or vbulletin is not allowed to be hosted
9. Account cannot be used only to store files.

What are you waiting for, just SIGN UP HERE

Get Paid From Bloggerwave

Bloggerwave is one of PPP (Pay Per Post) Program. It's like sponsoredreviews, buyblogreview and other PPP program. They provide some jobs to be reviewed by bloger. It's such as writing an article about a website or company and then we post it in our blog. To be approved to Bloggerwave is easier than other PPP programs. No PR needed or any others criteria. So I thing this is a good PPP program

Free Domain co.cc

Do you feel your blog name is too long?
If we create a blog, use blogspot or wordpress service, we have to make a name to our blog, it should be like "name.blogspot.com" or "name.wordpress.com". Do you feel it's such as a long name? If we have some money, we can buy a domain, and then our blog name would be like name.com or name.net or name.co.uk name.us etc.

But now, we can to get free domain to cut up our blog name. it's co.cc service. We can register domain to co.cc, our blogname will be like "name.co.cc". It's free, no payment needed, no setup fee and it's easy to setup. I thinnk it's very good service that offer us a free domain name. I have try it for some of my blogs, and it's interesting. So what are you waiting for.....

CO.CC:Free Domain

Free Domain co.cc

Do you feel your blog name is too long?
If we create a blog, use blogspot or wordpress service, we have to make a name to our blog, it should be like "name.blogspot.com" or "name.wordpress.com". Do you feel it's such as a long name? If we have some money, we can buy a domain, and then our blog name would be like name.com or name.net or name.co.uk name.us etc.

But now, we can to get free domain to cut up our blog name. it's co.cc service. We can register domain to co.cc, our blogname will be like "name.co.cc". It's free, no payment needed, no setup fee and it's easy to setup. I thinnk it's very good service that offer us a free domain name. I have try it for some of my blogs, and it's interesting. So what are you waiting for.....

CO.CC:Free Domain

Get Paid From Bloggerwave

Bloggerwave is one of PPP (Pay Per Post) Program. It's like sponsoredreviews, buyblogreview and other PPP program. They provide some jobs to be reviewed by bloger. It's such as writing an article about a website or company and then we post it in our blog. To be approved to Bloggerwave is easier than other PPP programs. No PR needed or any others criteria. So I thing this is a good PPP program

HTML Color Codes

Color is very important to design a blog. But to give a color to background or text or table it's not as simple as looks like, we have to know tho color code. With HTML color codes you can set the color of web site background, color of text, cells in tables and much more. With this dynamic HTML color codes chart you can get codes for basic colors.
Click on any color to get it's HTML color code:

HTML Color Codes

Color is very important to design a blog. But to give a color to background or text or table it's not as simple as looks like, we have to know tho color code. With HTML color codes you can set the color of web site background, color of text, cells in tables and much more. With this dynamic HTML color codes chart you can get codes for basic colors.
Click on any color to get it's HTML color code:

Back up Your Blog

Back up blog? is it important?
Yes it's very important. Because we can't guarantee that our blog will exist forever. Lately, many blogers lost their blogs because of unpredicted fault . Few months ago I lost all of my blog (it'a about 10 blogs), but now I got some of them back. Since then I know how important to back up our blog. It's really frustating when your hard work suddenly lost.

There is a free service website that allow us to back up our blog. It's name is blogbackuponline. They give us a space for 5 MB. Althought it's small but I think it's enough for us to backup our blog. If our avarage posted arcticle is 1000 character, meaning it can backup until 5000 title. It's for free version. They also provide more features for premium account. Just go to blogbackuponline and back up your blog there.

Back up Your Blog

Back up blog? is it important?
Yes it's very important. Because we can't guarantee that our blog will exist forever. Lately, many blogers lost their blogs because of unpredicted fault . Few months ago I lost all of my blog (it'a about 10 blogs), but now I got some of them back. Since then I know how important to back up our blog. It's really frustating when your hard work suddenly lost.

There is a free service website that allow us to back up our blog. It's name is blogbackuponline. They give us a space for 5 MB. Althought it's small but I think it's enough for us to backup our blog. If our avarage posted arcticle is 1000 character, meaning it can backup until 5000 title. It's for free version. They also provide more features for premium account. Just go to blogbackuponline and back up your blog there.

Put Paypal Donation Box to Blog

Do you want to put this box in your blog/site? Well many of us want put this code on their own blog/site like those popular sites but they don't know how. Well i am very glad to teach you and going tell you how.
If you don't have a paypal account, click here to sign up one. Well i supply the code, and you just simply copy and paste it, is that simple.
Ok here we go.

Just copy the code and change some values in red.
Change Blog/Website Title to your own Blog title example change to "The-Online-Quest".
And change Your paypal email to your own paypal email.


Please Donate To My Blog

Blog/Website Title" name="item_name" type="hidden"/>
Your paypal email" name="business" type="hidden"/>



Powered by The-Online-Quest

For blogger, after you have copied and changed the values, just add a new page element. Click add HTML/JavaScript to blog, paste all the codes in and save changes.Enjoy blogging and have fun, if you have put this code in your blog/site, post a comment about it and please let me know.

Original post by : The Online Quest

Put Paypal Donation Box to Blog

Do you want to put this box in your blog/site? Well many of us want put this code on their own blog/site like those popular sites but they don't know how. Well i am very glad to teach you and going tell you how.
If you don't have a paypal account, click here to sign up one. Well i supply the code, and you just simply copy and paste it, is that simple.
Ok here we go.

Just copy the code and change some values in red.
Change Blog/Website Title to your own Blog title example change to "The-Online-Quest".
And change Your paypal email to your own paypal email.


Please Donate To My Blog

Blog/Website Title" name="item_name" type="hidden"/>
Your paypal email" name="business" type="hidden"/>



Powered by The-Online-Quest

For blogger, after you have copied and changed the values, just add a new page element. Click add HTML/JavaScript to blog, paste all the codes in and save changes.Enjoy blogging and have fun, if you have put this code in your blog/site, post a comment about it and please let me know.

Original post by : The Online Quest

How to Create Dropdown Menu

What is dropdown menu?
Dropdown menu is like this :

Here is the trick how to create dropdown menu :

Copy the code below and put it on your page elements.

The red text is links, change it with your links.
The blue text is Anchor text. Yau must change it.

For example :

The result would be like this:

To add more menu/item, put a code like below

before this code

If you want the links opened in new window, change the code below

The resul would be like this:

How to Create Dropdown Menu

What is dropdown menu?
Dropdown menu is like this :

Here is the trick how to create dropdown menu :

Copy the code below and put it on your page elements.

The red text is links, change it with your links.
The blue text is Anchor text. Yau must change it.

For example :

The result would be like this:

To add more menu/item, put a code like below

before this code

If you want the links opened in new window, change the code below

The resul would be like this:

Free Unlimited File Hosting Service

If we have a web/blog especially about downloading like mp3, video, ebook etc, it’s need a webhost to put these files, and usually we like a free webhosting rather than paying. But there are some problems/limitations if we chose a free file hosting like :Bingung Cari Tempat Hosting Gratis Dan Unlimited?

- Limited capacity/storage.
- No store big files bigger than 5 MB (Usually).
- traffic limitation (base on time)
- etc.

Now I have a solution to solve the problems. Try to use ziddu. ziddu is one of the free unlimited file hosting service. What will you get from ziddu? here is :

- Unlimited storage, (you can upload your files as much as possible).
- maximum file size to uploaded is 200 MB (it’s big enough)
- No huorly traffice limitation.
- Get paid everytime others download your files.
For the last poin, is it true that we will get paid everytime others download files?
Yes, it’s 100% true. You will get paid $0.001 per unique download. Cash will be transfered via paypal.

If you interesting SIGN UP HERE

Free Unlimited File Hosting Service

If we have a web/blog especially about downloading like mp3, video, ebook etc, it’s need a webhost to put these files, and usually we like a free webhosting rather than paying. But there are some problems/limitations if we chose a free file hosting like :Bingung Cari Tempat Hosting Gratis Dan Unlimited?

- Limited capacity/storage.
- No store big files bigger than 5 MB (Usually).
- traffic limitation (base on time)
- etc.

Now I have a solution to solve the problems. Try to use ziddu. ziddu is one of the free unlimited file hosting service. What will you get from ziddu? here is :

- Unlimited storage, (you can upload your files as much as possible).
- maximum file size to uploaded is 200 MB (it’s big enough)
- No huorly traffice limitation.
- Get paid everytime others download your files.
For the last poin, is it true that we will get paid everytime others download files?
Yes, it’s 100% true. You will get paid $0.001 per unique download. Cash will be transfered via paypal.

If you interesting SIGN UP HERE

How to Create Float Image

This tutorial is about to create float image that will always show on your corner blog althought you drag side scroll bar. see example. You can put an image, widget, clock etc on the corner.
Step by step to create Float image.

1. Login ke blogger then click "Layout -->> Edit HTML
2. Find this code ]]>, then put the code below above it.

#float_corner {
inherit;_top:expression(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight);_left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth);}

3. The bold text is it’e position. you can change it with "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
4. The next step is put the code below before tag

"http://trick-blog.blogspot.com" is a link.
"http://blogoholic.info/files/soniclari.gif" is image URL, Change it with your own image.

5. If you wanna fill it with a widget, change the red code with your widget code.
6. Save and preview your blog.

How to Create Float Image

This tutorial is about to create float image that will always show on your corner blog althought you drag side scroll bar. see example. You can put an image, widget, clock etc on the corner.
Step by step to create Float image.

1. Login ke blogger then click "Layout -->> Edit HTML
2. Find this code ]]>, then put the code below above it.

#float_corner {
inherit;_top:expression(document.documentElement.scrollTop+document.documentElement.clientHeight-this.clientHeight);_left:expression(document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.clientWidth - offsetWidth);}

3. The bold text is it’e position. you can change it with "top", "buttom", "left", "right"
4. The next step is put the code below before tag

"http://trick-blog.blogspot.com" is a link.
"http://kendhin.890m.com/soniclari.gif" is image URL, Change it with your own image.

5. If you wanna fill it with a widget, change the red code with your widget code.
6. Save and preview your blog.

How to Create Email Form Subscription

The function of Email Form Subscription is to let your loyal visitors to subscribe your new article/posting in to their email. So if your post a new article your subscriber will receive your article automatically. It’s very usefull, your subscriber will know if there is a new article, so they will come to visit your blog immediatly.
Here the trick to create Email Form Subscription

1. visit this site : http://www.feedburner.com
2. You will see a box to enter your blog feeds. enter your blog feeds in to the box. Usually your blog feeds is like this : http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
3. If you have video file in your blog content, check on the "I am a podcaster"box, If not, it’s unnecessary. Then click "Next" Button.
4. After that, you must to fill a form, fill it with your information then click on the "Activate Feed"
5. If you’re succeed, you will see "Congrats your....." notificaton.
6. On the buttom you will see a "Next" Button and a link "Skip directly to feed management", choose this link.
7. You will see some menus on top. Choose "Email Subscription" menu.
8. On the left you will see some menu again, now click on the "Email Subscriptions"
9. Then click on the "Activate" button.
10. You will some code on the boxes. Choose code in the "Subsciption Form Code" box, and copy it. then click "Save" Button.

11. To plug it on your blog, go to "Layout-->>Add Page element-->HTML/Javascript" paste your code on the box.

See your blog, Now you have an "Email Form Subscription"

How to Create Email Form Subscription

The function of Email Form Subscription is to let your loyal visitors to subscribe your new article/posting in to their email. So if your post a new article your subscriber will receive your article automatically. It’s very usefull, your subscriber will know if there is a new article, so they will come to visit your blog immediatly.
Here the trick to create Email Form Subscription

1. visit this site : http://www.feedburner.com
2. You will see a box to enter your blog feeds. enter your blog feeds in to the box. Usually your blog feeds is like this : http://YOURBLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
3. If you have video file in your blog content, check on the "I am a podcaster"box, If not, it’s unnecessary. Then click "Next" Button.
4. After that, you must to fill a form, fill it with your information then click on the "Activate Feed"
5. If you’re succeed, you will see "Congrats your....." notificaton.
6. On the buttom you will see a "Next" Button and a link "Skip directly to feed management", choose this link.
7. You will see some menus on top. Choose "Email Subscription" menu.
8. On the left you will see some menu again, now click on the "Email Subscriptions"
9. Then click on the "Activate" button.
10. You will some code on the boxes. Choose code in the "Subsciption Form Code" box, and copy it. then click "Save" Button.

11. To plug it on your blog, go to "Layout-->>Add Page element-->HTML/Javascript" paste your code on the box.

See your blog, Now you have an "Email Form Subscription"

How to Create Blogroll (Link List Box)

As a bloger, we usually added our Friends link on our blog. Day by day and month by month it's number will increased. But if your friends link over than hundredsor or even thousands, it will be a problem, your blog space will full of your friends link list.
Now I will show you how to create a blogroll, a box to place your friends link list. You can fill it with as many as links, and it's size will not get bigger. So it will save space on your blog or sidebar. The box will be like mine.

Here's the code that you should to copy and place on your blog or sidebar ("Add Page Element --> HTML/Java Script").





- Text width: 200px; and height: 300px; is size of the box, you can change it according to your place or sidebar size .
- Change the text "#link1,#link2, #link3 dst" with your friends link list.

How to Create Blogroll (Link List Box)

As a bloger, we usually added our Friends link on our blog. Day by day and month by month it's number will increased. But if your friends link over than hundredsor or even thousands, it will be a problem, your blog space will full of your friends link list.
Now I will show you how to create a blogroll, a box to place your friends link list. You can fill it with as many as links, and it's size will not get bigger. So it will save space on your blog or sidebar. The box will be like mine.

Here's the code that you should to copy and place on your blog or sidebar ("Add Page Element --> HTML/Java Script").





- Text width: 200px; and height: 300px; is size of the box, you can change it according to your place or sidebar size .
- Change the text "#link1,#link2, #link3 dst" with your friends link list.

Display Yahoo Messenger Status on Blog

The advantage of showing Yahoo Messenger status on your blog is your visittors can talk or ask something to you directly via YM, it will make your relationship with your visitor to be more tighly. Ok lets begin.

If you’re oflfline, it will display image like this:

And if you’re online, it will display icon like this:

It’s very simple to create it. You just copy the code below and put it on your "Page Element" or sidebar.

kendhin_x"> kendhin_x&m=g&t=2&l=us"/>

Change the red text (kendhin_x) with your YM id.
Look at the green number "2", you can change it. What the result of doing this? you will different image/icon as your YM status.

You must try it !!!!

Display Yahoo Messenger Status on Blog

The advantage of showing Yahoo Messenger status on your blog is your visittors can talk or ask something to you directly via YM, it will make your relationship with your visitor to be more tighly. Ok lets begin.

If you’re oflfline, it will display image like this:

And if you’re online, it will display icon like this:

It’s very simple to create it. You just copy the code below and put it on your "Page Element" or sidebar.

kendhin_x"> kendhin_x&m=g&t=2&l=us"/>

Change the red text (kendhin_x) with your YM id.
Look at the green number "2", you can change it. What the result of doing this? you will different image/icon as your YM status.

You must try it !!!!

How to Show Recent Post on the Sidebar

To show your recent post on the sidebar is very easy, you just follow the instruction below then you will see your recent post on your blog sidebar. here’s the steps :

1. Login to Blogger then Chose "Layout"
2. Click on "Add page element" (chose where you want to put it) then chose "HTML/Javascript"
3. Copy the code below and put it in the "content" box.

4. Change YOURBLOGNAME with your blogname.
5. The number "10" it’s amount of recent post that will be shown, You can change it.
6. Click Save.

Get Try it .......

How to Show Recent Post on the Sidebar

To show your recent post on the sidebar is very easy, you just follow the instruction below then you will see your recent post on your blog sidebar. here’s the steps :

1. Login to Blogger then Chose "Layout"
2. Click on "Add page element" (chose where you want to put it) then chose "HTML/Javascript"
3. Copy the code below and put it in the "content" box.

4. Change YOURBLOGNAME with your blogname.
5. The number "10" it’s amount of recent post that will be shown, You can change it.
6. Click Save.

Get Try it .......

Widget to Put Comment Box Under Posting

Sometimes ago I have posted an articel about "How to Create Commnet Box Under Posting" it use haloscan comment box. It working well for some bloger and bad for some bloger too. If you failed or dislike using haloscan comment box, may be this will be alternatifvfor you. This comment box is created by intensedebate.com, this comment box can be use as a widget, and to apply this widget is very simple, and to remove this is more simple it just like when you remove Page Element from your blog. Ok, if you interest to try this widget I’ll show you how to put it.

1. Login to Blogger.com the chose "Layout --> Edit HTML", click on the link "Download Full Template" to backup your template first

2. Then go to intensedebate.com site sgn up, the login and go to "dashboard"

3. On the up right you will see "add blog" button, click the button

4. Then you will see a box to insert your blog url, fill it then press the button .

5. Then you will see a page like this:


6. For easy, chose"Widget (Recomended)".

7. There are some choice on the "Replace Comment System". Chose "On post without comments" if you want the comment box show under no comment articel (your previouse comment still exist). If you want the comment box exist on every posting chose "On all blog post" (You will lose your previouse comments, but it can be restored).

8. The click "Complete Installation" button.

9. You will see the page like this :


10. Chose your blog then click "ADD WIDGET" button.


Widget to Put Comment Box Under Posting

Sometimes ago I have posted an articel about "How to Create Commnet Box Under Posting" it use haloscan comment box. It working well for some bloger and bad for some bloger too. If you failed or dislike using haloscan comment box, may be this will be alternatifvfor you. This comment box is created by intensedebate.com, this comment box can be use as a widget, and to apply this widget is very simple, and to remove this is more simple it just like when you remove Page Element from your blog. Ok, if you interest to try this widget I’ll show you how to put it.

1. Login to Blogger.com the chose "Layout --> Edit HTML", click on the link "Download Full Template" to backup your template first

2. Then go to intensedebate.com site sgn up, the login and go to "dashboard"

3. On the up right you will see "add blog" button, click the button

4. Then you will see a box to insert your blog url, fill it then press the button .

5. Then you will see a page like this:


6. For easy, chose"Widget (Recomended)".

7. There are some choice on the "Replace Comment System". Chose "On post without comments" if you want the comment box show under no comment articel (your previouse comment still exist). If you want the comment box exist on every posting chose "On all blog post" (You will lose your previouse comments, but it can be restored).

8. The click "Complete Installation" button.

9. You will see the page like this :


10. Chose your blog then click "ADD WIDGET" button.


Tutorial to Create DTree Menu

DTree is a menu that be arranged like a tree. It will be like menu when you open "windows Explorer". It's very usefull if you have many posting (articel) in your blog. It can contain many link in small space. It will be like the below image :

Here's the step by step tutorial to create "DTree Menu" in blogger:

1. Login to Blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Put the code below over

3. Save your editting.

4. Now edit end copy the below code then put on your sidebar.

Change "link.html" with your own link.
The first number must be unique (d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
The second number is child of the number (look at the color).

You can add the below code to add a new node with your own image


change "http://blogoholic.info/files/dtree/trash.gif" with your own image.
it will be like this :

Tutorial to Create DTree Menu

DTree is a menu that be arranged like a tree. It will be like menu when you open "windows Explorer". It's very usefull if you have many posting (articel) in your blog. It can contain many link in small space. It will be like the below image :

Here's the step by step tutorial to create "DTree Menu" in blogger:

1. Login to Blogger, go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Put the code below over

3. Save your editting.

4. Now edit end copy the below code then put on your sidebar.

Change "link.html" with your own link.
The first number must be unique (d.add(1,0,'Node 1','link.html');
The second number is child of the number (look at the color).

You can add the below code to add a new node with your own image


change "http://kendhin.890m.com/dtree/trash.gif" with your own image.
it will be like this :

Tutorial to Create Blogger Template

This tutorial is to create simple blogger template, with simple methods. The easiest way to create blogger template is by edit a template. But don't worry, althought this is a simple methods but it can produce a beautifull template, it depend on how you design it. This tutorial is not to create blogger template from beginning but this is to create template by editing a template. Ok lets begin.
Before we begin I suggest you to create a new blog,weI don't wont to destroy your blog.
To follow this tutorial you have to download this template first. downlad template.

We will create a template that contain four main elements, (Bakground, Header, Main and Footer) Like the image :

So you have to create the four elements, You can use Image editor software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint, etc.
Here's the detail to design it:
1. Create a design like above image.
2. On the backgroun part it should be a Pattern/Tile.
3. Cut for every part (Background, Header, Main and Footer)
it should be like this :


4. Upload your part image on the webhosting like geocities or on the image hosting like photobucket.

Alll right, now we will arrange these part to the HTML.
1. Go to blogger then go to "EDIT HTML" menu.
2. Click on the "Brows" button to upload above template or this template
3. Find this code

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; font:$bodyfont; color:$textcolor; background: #323232 url('http://blogoholic.info/files/bg.jpg') repeat-x top left; }

4. Change the bold text with your image location
5. Then find this code, and change the blod text with your image location :

#center {background: #ffffff url('http://blogoholic.info/files/body.jpg') repeat-y top center;}

6. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('http://blogoholic.info/files/head.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

7. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('http://blogoholic.info/files/foot.jpg') repeat-y top center; }

8. Now find the code below

#outer-wrapper { width: 898px; margin: 0px auto 0; text-align: justify; }

this code width: 898px it's the widht of your blog, change it according to your image.

#main { float: left; width: 445px; margin: 5px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; line-height: 1.5em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; }

This code width: 445px; is size/widht of main, you can change it.

#sidebar { float: right; width: 153px; padding-right: 50px; font-size: 83%; color: $sidebartextcolor; line-height: 1.4em; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }
#ads-wrapper {float: left; width: 195px; padding-left: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }

This code width: 153px; is widht of your right sidebar. and this code width: 195px; is widht your left sidebar. And this code padding-right: 50px; is gap of text on the right sidebar with right line. And this code padding-left: 10px; is gap of text on the left sidebar with left line.

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('http://blogoholic.info/files/head.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

This code height:196px; width:898; is height and widht of your header, Change it according to your Header Image.

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('http://blogoholic.info/files/foot.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

This code width: 898px; height:80px; is widht and height of your footer.

9. Try to modify and preview it until looks good.
10. If it looks good you can save it.


Tutorial to Create Blogger Template

This tutorial is to create simple blogger template, with simple methods. The easiest way to create blogger template is by edit a template. But don't worry, althought this is a simple methods but it can produce a beautifull template, it depend on how you design it. This tutorial is not to create blogger template from beginning but this is to create template by editing a template. Ok lets begin.
Before we begin I suggest you to create a new blog,weI don't wont to destroy your blog.
To follow this tutorial you have to download this template first. downlad template.

We will create a template that contain four main elements, (Bakground, Header, Main and Footer) Like the image :

So you have to create the four elements, You can use Image editor software like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint, etc.
Here's the detail to design it:
1. Create a design like above image.
2. On the backgroun part it should be a Pattern/Tile.
3. Cut for every part (Background, Header, Main and Footer)
it should be like this :


4. Upload your part image on the webhosting like geocities or on the image hosting like photobucket.

Alll right, now we will arrange these part to the HTML.
1. Go to blogger then go to "EDIT HTML" menu.
2. Click on the "Brows" button to upload above template or this template
3. Find this code

body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; font:$bodyfont; color:$textcolor; background: #323232 url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/bg.jpg') repeat-x top left; }

4. Change the bold text with your image location
5. Then find this code, and change the blod text with your image location :

#center {background: #ffffff url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/main.jpg') repeat-y top center;}

6. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/head.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

7. Find the code below and change the bold text with your image location:

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/foot.jpg') repeat-y top center; }

8. Now find the code below

#outer-wrapper { width: 898px; margin: 0px auto 0; text-align: justify; }

this code width: 898px it's the widht of your blog, change it according to your image.

#main { float: left; width: 445px; margin: 5px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px; line-height: 1.5em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; }

This code width: 445px; is size/widht of main, you can change it.

#sidebar { float: right; width: 153px; padding-right: 50px; font-size: 83%; color: $sidebartextcolor; line-height: 1.4em; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }
#ads-wrapper {float: left; width: 195px; padding-left: 10px; word-wrap: break-word; overflow: hidden; }

This code width: 153px; is widht of your right sidebar. and this code width: 195px; is widht your left sidebar. And this code padding-right: 50px; is gap of text on the right sidebar with right line. And this code padding-left: 10px; is gap of text on the left sidebar with left line.

#header { margin: 0; height:196px; width:898; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/head.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

This code height:196px; width:898; is height and widht of your header, Change it according to your Header Image.

#footer { margin: 0; width: 898px; height:80px; padding: 0px; background: url('http://kendhin.890m.com/template/foot.jpg') no-repeat top center; }

This code width: 898px; height:80px; is widht and height of your footer.

9. Try to modify and preview it until looks good.
10. If it looks good you can save it.


How to Hide Your Post Date, Time and/or Author

There are some reason for bloger to hide Post date, time and author. May be they want to see their blog looks clear or everything. Now I will show you the trick to "hide your post date, time and or author". the mothods is very simple, just find the code that I pointed to you and delete it. You can chose which part want to delete, date only, time only, author only or it all. Ok, if you decided to do it lets begin the hack.

1. Login to blogger the go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Click on the "Download Full Template" to back up your template first.
3. Check on the "Expand Widget Templates" check box.

Hide Post Date
find this code and delete it.

Hide Post Time
find this code and delete it.

Hide Post Author
find this code and delete it.

5. Save your editting

Good Luck ............

Related Post :
Change Post Date Become Calender Icon

How to Hide Your Post Date, Time and/or Author

There are some reason for bloger to hide Post date, time and author. May be they want to see their blog looks clear or everything. Now I will show you the trick to "hide your post date, time and or author". the mothods is very simple, just find the code that I pointed to you and delete it. You can chose which part want to delete, date only, time only, author only or it all. Ok, if you decided to do it lets begin the hack.

1. Login to blogger the go to "Layout --> Edit HTML"
2. Click on the "Download Full Template" to back up your template first.
3. Check on the "Expand Widget Templates" check box.

Hide Post Date
find this code and delete it.

Hide Post Time
find this code and delete it.

Hide Post Author
find this code and delete it.

5. Save your editting

Good Luck ............

Related Post :
Change Post Date Become Calender Icon

Show or Hide Your Full Post in Blogger

This is the way to show or hide your full post on the main page of your blog. This is different from my old "Read More " methods. If in old "Read More" Methods it will show "Read More" link, then if you click the link you will load and go to another page that will show your full post/articel. But with my next methode below, if you click the link you will see your full post/articel in the same page and it no needs time to load, it only expand your full post. Do you want to try it? here is the trick:

1. Login to Blogger, Chose "Layout --> Template --> Edit HTML
2. Click "Download Full Templates" link to back up your template.
3. Check on the "Expand Template Wdiget" Check Box.
4. Copy the code below and paste above this code

10. So, the full code will like this :

expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>

[+/-] Show Full Post...

11. Save Your Editing.
12. Go to menu "Setting --> Formatting"
13. On the bottom page you will see a box beside text "Post Template". Copy the code below and paste in to the box

14. Save your setting.
15 If you want to post an articel place your part articel above this code . Then the remain or full post put between this code and this


Show or Hide Your Full Post in Blogger

This is the way to show or hide your full post on the main page of your blog. This is different from my old "Read More " methods. If in old "Read More" Methods it will show "Read More" link, then if you click the link you will load and go to another page that will show your full post/articel. But with my next methode below, if you click the link you will see your full post/articel in the same page and it no needs time to load, it only expand your full post. Do you want to try it? here is the trick:

1. Login to Blogger, Chose "Layout --> Template --> Edit HTML
2. Click "Download Full Templates" link to back up your template.
3. Check on the "Expand Template Wdiget" Check Box.
4. Copy the code below and paste above this code

10. So, the full code will like this :

expr:id='"post-" + data:post.id'>

[+/-] Show Full Post...

11. Save Your Editing.
12. Go to menu "Setting --> Formatting"
13. On the bottom page you will see a box beside text "Post Template". Copy the code below and paste in to the box

14. Save your setting.
15 If you want to post an articel place your part articel above this code . Then the remain or full post put between this code and this