Best 17 High Quality JQuery Horizontal Navigation Menus Collection

Navigation menus are very important part of a website.It help your visitors to navigate through your website easily.There are various type of beautiful navigational menu in the web.Some of are work only using CSS.But some advanced navigation menus use scripts like jquery.Using jquery you can create navigation menus which include advanced features.

Here listed below 17 very attractive jquery horizontal horizontal menus collection for web designers.Select your menu and use it to add a professional look for your website.

1.Animated Menus Using jQuery

2.JQuery drop down menu

3.Kwicks for jQuery-7 Menus

4.CSS Dock Menu

5.Sliding JavaScript Menu Highlight 1kb

6.Animated Menus Using jQuery

7.JQuery Fading Menu

8.Superfish jQuery menu

9.Smooth Animated Menu with jQuery

10.CSS Sprites2 Menu - It’s JavaScript Time

11.Apple style menu and improve it via jQuery

12.jqDock menu

13.Multilevel Dropdown menu with CSS and improve it via jQuery

14.jQuery feed menus

15.Menumatic horizontal menu

16.Garage Door effect menu

17.jQuery Background Position menu