Show or Hide Your Full Post in Blogger

This is the way to show or hide your full post on the main page of your blog. This is different from my old "Read More " methods. If in old "Read More" Methods it will show "Read More" link, then if you click the link you will load and go to another page that will show your full post/articel. But with my next methode below, if you click the link you will see your full post/articel in the same page and it no needs time to load, it only expand your full post. Do you want to try it? here is the trick:

1. Login to Blogger, Chose "Layout --> Template --> Edit HTML
2. Click "Download Full Templates" link to back up your template.
3. Check on the "Expand Template Wdiget" Check Box.
4. Copy the code below and paste above this code

10. So, the full code will like this :

expr:id='"post-" +'>

[+/-] Show Full Post...

11. Save Your Editing.
12. Go to menu "Setting --> Formatting"
13. On the bottom page you will see a box beside text "Post Template". Copy the code below and paste in to the box

14. Save your setting.
15 If you want to post an articel place your part articel above this code . Then the remain or full post put between this code and this