Gravatar: How To Upload Avatar Display Image

How to show display picture when commenting?
How to upload display picture on Gravatar?
How to get a display image when commenting on Wordpress blogs?
How to have avatar display for commenting accounts?

To do so, you have to go to Gravatar at

gravatar logo

One you're at the page, click "Log in/Sign up".

gravatar log in sign up

If you don't have a Gravatar account, please register first with the proper email that you're going to use while commenting.

But if you already own a account, do sign in with the email you used for your account. (Not applicable for self-hosted Wordpress from

gravatar sign in

After registering (if necessary) and logging in, hover your mouse at the "My Account" and a list will appear. Pick "Manage My Gravatars".

gravatar account

From there onwards, just upload your preferred display avatar and you're good to go!